Our Vision and Values


Harvest Point envisions being a church that multiplies by making thousands of disciples through the transforming of lives and communities by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What does this vision look like?

We see a church where people recognize their value to the kingdom and are operating within their giftedness.  Where men and women desire to live out God’s purpose for their lives while growing together in authentic community. Where transformation is common place and those broken by life’s circumstances find peace, healing and restoration.  Where forgiveness is expressed and hope is renewed.  A church where children and students have a committed community of believers leading them to passionately pursue God in their youth.  Where sharing the love of Christ is contagious and our positive impact on our local community and abroad is undeniable.


God-Centered Worship

We believe that our God is supreme and sovereign. We value heartfelt worship that is God-honoring, Spirit-directed, and life-changing.  God  is the focus of our worship and He is worthy of our worship, both individually and corporately.

Foundation: Romans 12:1-2

Authentic Fellowship

We believe in authentic fellowship that is relational and sacrificial in building up the body of Christ. This includes the concepts of discipleship, vulnerability, and accountability.

Foundation: Luke 6:12–13Acts 2:42-47Ephesians 4:1-315-16

Faith Sharing

We are convinced that Christians must be intentional in sharing their faith with those who do not have a relationship with God.  We value a lifestyle of sharing the love of God locally and globally by spreading His Good News through evangelism, missions, and community service.

Foundation: Matthew 28:19-202 Corinthians 5:20

Family Focused

We value strengthening the families of our church through clear biblical instruction defining and guiding marriages, singles and parenting relationships. Biblical families including: married couples, singles, parents, empty nesters, young and old, will reflect the image of God.

Foundation: 1 Corinthians 7; Ephesians 5

Prayer Powered

We recognize our church’s desperate need for God to guide, equip, and empower the church to accomplish its ministry aspirations.  We believe that prayer is the foundation of all our ministries and therefore, His house must be a house of prayer.

Foundation: Isaiah 56:7Acts 2:42; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Spiritual Maturity

We believe that God expects His people to grow spiritually. As a person is filled with the knowledge of God’s will, he or she will experience this type of growth, that will be beneficial as they navigate through life.

Foundation: Colossians 1:9-10; Galatians 5:22,23