In the Fall of 2013, after years of prayer, preparation, and consultation, Lawrence and Shannon met with seven families in their home. They presented the vision God had given them regarding a future church to be called Harvest Point Fellowship Church. They were reminded of what Jesus spoke in Matthew 9:37-38 when He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” With this in mind, they envisioned a church that would equip workers for the harvest—a place where lives are changed and spiritual growth is commonplace.
With the vision in front of them, the core team began praying day and night about this move of God. As they continued to pray and seek a place to hold worship services, they held an interest meeting at their home church, Bethel’s Family, for anyone wanting to join this local church plant. In celebration of this move of God, this team was commissioned in January 2014 by Pastor Walter August and The Church at Bethel’s Family to go plant Harvest Point Fellowship Church in January 2014. The first worship service was on February 16, 2014.


In September 2022, Pastor Scott was invited to replace Pastor August as Senior pastor of the Church at Bethel’s family once Pastor August retires. Committed to the work at Harvest Point Fellowship Church, Pastor Scott cast a vision where these two autonomous churches could work together to reach the city via the One Church model. These two churches would be “One Church” at two campuses. With this model, we would remain unified in vision, mission, and values while gathering in two locations as we look ahead to planting other One Church campuses. With this shared vision, the local church body’s demographics and the immediate community’s needs will allow for worship and programming distinctions. Within this model, we would adopt a new name that starts with “One Church @…”.
One Church @Harvest Point is a multi-generational group of people who love the Lord and love people. As of 2024, more than 1,800 people consider One Church @ Harvest Point home.