Psalms 127:3

Children are a gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Welcome to The Bridge!

We are excited you have decided to learn more about our 5th and 6th grade ministry. Our mission is to glorify God through the gospel and demonstration of His love in an open environment,  preparing students to be disciples in their community.  We want to see students applying their faith in social interactions by: basing their identity on who God says they are; taking ownership of their spiritual growth; make choices based on a biblical worldview; and identifying and resisting worldly influences. 

Kids And Parents Resources

Activities And Programs

Upcoming Kid and Family Events

 Groups   Sunday: 9:30 am   Combined Worship with Kid’s Ministry.   Sunday: 10:00 am   We offer a service for 5th and 6th grade Sunday morning Bible Study classes that are closely structured by age with a low teacher/child ratio. We teach biblical truths to on their individual levels of development using a hands-on approach.  This service incorporates high energy praise and worship music, fun games, awesome drama, and exciting bible preaching geared just for them.  Wednesday 

We are not back meeting yet.  Check back here for updates.


At Bridge check-in, each child must have a name tag/sticker and at pick–up each parent or guardian must have a sticker. This allows the ministry to match the child to the parents/guardians. Parents, please allow time for this process. The Welcome Desk Team Members will walk your child to their class area. 


1. Worship – Responding to God and focusing on Him
2. Small groups – discuss the topic and get to know each other deeper
3. Games – create a fun and engaging environment
4. Message – to teach about God and how we reflect His image through our life.
5. Challenge cards – to keep what you learned going all week and to put it into action
6. Theme song “Fearless” teaching “The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.” 


To update your profile or to create a profile, visit Member Access. If your child has allergies, please inform the ministry volunteers at the Welcome Desk during your initial visit and update your profile. When an allergy is identified, the allergy will be displayed on the child’s name tag/sticker and it will be placed on the front of the child to indicate to the ministry teachers and other ministry volunteers the child has an allergy.
Leaders and Team Members Our ministry Team Leaders and Directors are all passionate, trained and ready to lead your children. Everyone who serves in Kids ministryis required to complete an application, take a background check and complete necessary training for the area they serve.

Safety and Health

Standard hygiene practices are enforced for the health and safety of your children and the caretakers. We use a security tag system to monitor the pick up and release of children, and in case of an emergency (fever, accident, illness), parents are texted during the worship service by discreetly posting the last four digits of their phone number on the screens in the worship center.

Looking to Serve?

We look forward to a great season of ministry and this great season of ministry cannot be done without the support of great adults, parents, grandparents, and guardians. If you would like further information about the ministry or volunteer opportunities in the instructional and non-instructional areas, email [email protected].

When you serve in an instructional or non-instructional area of the ministry, you support the purpose of the ministry, Making Disciples.

How We “Go”

Each child is to know who God is and disciple them into a living, growing relationship with Jesus and know the work of the Holy Spirit. So, we Go Big, Go Small, Go Serve and Go Tell.

Go Big

Go Big in our large group as each child will experience the freedom to worship.

Go Small

Go Small as we break into smaller groups to focus on biblical instruction which is age-appropriate.

Go Serve

Go Serve by allowing our children to donate and partner with ministries and organizations which help our community, and our surrounding cities.

Go Tell

Go Tell everybody. We want our children to share God’s word with family, friends, classmates, and whomever they meet.