21 Days of Encountering God
God’s Word tells us in James 4:8 that we are to draw near to God and surrender our hearts to be purified from our sins. Here at One Church we believe in a life of daily surrender and that an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ will result in a new life change in Him.
So you and your family are invited to a 21-day Commitment of corporate fasting from January 8 to January 28th and twice a day corporate prayer at 7 AM and 7 PM
This is important! Get yourself biblically prepared for this important spiritual journey time by reading Psalm 51, 1 Samuel 15, and Isaiah 58.
Our OC Prayer Line will be activated at 7 AM & 7 PM every day. These times are designated for corporate prayer as a church family. To join, simply dial (563) 999-1272. No Access Code Required.
A Special edition OC Devotional & Prayer Guide is available below.