What is the vision of the church?


Harvest Point envisions being a church that multiplies by making thousands of disciples through the transforming of lives and communities by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What does this vision look like?

We see a church where people recognize their value to the kingdom and are operating within their giftedness.  Where men and women desire to live out God’s purpose for their lives while growing together in authentic community. Where transformation is common place and those broken by life’s circumstances find peace, healing and restoration.  Where forgiveness is expressed and hope is renewed.  A church where children and students have a committed community of believers leading them to passionately pursue God in their youth.  Where sharing the love of Christ is contagious and our positive impact on our local community and abroad is undeniable.

What is the vision of Project Next?
To build a facility that will assist in discipling 500 families, including a 750 seat worship center, ample space to lead 400 children and students, and intentional space designed to encourage fellowship with opportunities to deepen relationships within our local congregation.
Why do will we need a new building?
Harvest Point is a growing church and we expect that God is going to save many in our area, but as the church continues to grow we want to be in a position where we have space for new guests and facilities that will help disciple the next generation.  Many people are moving to the area and when they see a full parking lot, overloaded children’s ministry, limited room for our Student Ministry.  We have been blessed to get the space that we have and we want to be a good steward of it. This means that as the church grows, we can add additional services as needed, but we still need to plan for the long term.  We are spending money every month on space that is limited in its functionality and usability.  This space has been what we needed for this season of the church, but we will limit our reach in this growing community if we do not plan for the years to come. Our vision is to be a church of multiplication and discipleship.  We are embarking on a building project so that we can grow with the vision God has given us for Harvest Point and beyond. We do not want a bigger building simply for the sake of being in a bigger building, but for the sake of the mission and vision of our church, to the glory of God.
Where are we looking to build?

The highlighted area of the map shows our desired area, though we are open to looking outside of this area.ZeeMap-00509797585ffa7867b687dff603b158